Uncomfortable Meetings lyndon wall soul food Jul 25, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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While the Dust Settles lyndon wall soul food Jul 18, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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Life giving bones lyndon wall soul food Jun 27, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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Why are young people drifting from the faith lyndon wall soul food Jun 20, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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Pray for your pastor lyndon wall soul food Jun 13, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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Take a nap lyndon wall soul food Jun 06, 2021

Soul care for ministry leaders


A message of encouragement for you

from Dr. Lyndon Wall of Refresh Ministries


    Tap here to contact Lyndon


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Refresh Devotional Day 31 — The Best Habit lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 31, 2021


“Look to the Lord and his strength, seek his face always.”

1 Chronicles 16:11


Sometimes one sentence of advice can steer our life in wonderful directions. David’s...

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Refresh Devotional Day 30 — Faith and Feelings lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 30, 2021


“When I am afraid I will trust in you.”

Psalm 56:3


It is easy to let our emotions inform our faith.

It is most natural to have our fears and concerns instruct what we...

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Refresh Devotional Day 29 — Chariots of God lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 29, 2021


“…suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared…and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.”

2 Kings 2:11


God has the ability to take us from...

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Refresh Devotional Day 28 — Mind Food lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 28, 2021


 “My soul is downcast within me; therefore I will remember you…”

Psalm 42:6


Even in our dark hours, God has given us the ability to choose.

The psalmist was...

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Refresh Devotional Day 27 — Repentance and Rest lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 27, 2021


“In repentance and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength,

but you would have none of it.”

Isaiah 30:15


The brutal forces of Assyria were...

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Refresh Devotional Day 26 — From Fear to Folly lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 26, 2021


“Do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread.”


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