Sexual Integrity 101

events Aug 15, 2022

Grande Prairie Alliance Church is hosting the 8-week study series for both men and women on "Sexual Integrity 101".

We all desire sexual integrity, whether it’s for ourselves or for others.

But we struggle with knowing where to start.

At Pure Desire, we know how hopeless this can feel. That’s why we’ve created the solution: The Sexual Integrity 101 video course!

This 8-week video training is for men, women, students, pastors, lay leaders, parents, and more. It’s for anyone who wants to find freedom from the effects of unwanted sexual behaviors and betrayal.

This course will show how shame and grace affect the healing process, give understanding about addiction and betrayal trauma, and get you started on the path to sexual health.

WHEN: Mondays (September 19 - November 14, 2022)
TIME: 7-9 pm 
WHERE: in the Grande Prairie Alliance Church Boardroom
COST: $25 for a workbook