Refresh Devotional Day 24 — Guidance Guaranteed

lyndon wall refresh devotional series soul food Mar 24, 2021


“For this God is our God for ever and ever;

he will be our guide even to the end.”

Psalm 48:14


Everyone needs it; everyone seeks it at some time in their life. In our early years, we need guidance in matters of schooling, choosing a mate, and the direction of a career. In the middle years, we need guidance in parenting and financial decisions; in the later years, we need guidance for ending well and caring for ourselves in our old age. Finding good guidance is essential to a life well-lived.

The question then is not if we need guidance but where we find it.

The Psalmist tells us there is one who will guide us our whole lives. He is our God forever and ever. He will not leave us in the lurch; guidance will be there until the day we transfer from this life to the next.

What are some of the keys to finding God’s guidance?

First, we need to ask for it (James 1:5).

Second, we must be willing to receive it.

Someone wisely said that 90% of finding God’s will is having a surrendered heart. A bowed will to the wisdom of God will never lack the Father’s guidance.

Third, we must soak our minds in the principles of God as revealed in his Word; there, a large part of his will is revealed. He guides us in his ways with his words and Spirit.

Fourth, we should allow the peace of God to direct us. We must not move forward until we have unclouded hearts before God.

Fifth, we must be open to the advice of others. God’s will was revealed to Moses through his father-in-law, Jethro. Sometimes our human fallibility may hinder our hearing and understand God’s guidance, yet even then his promise to guide us will stand true.

Above all remember that you have the promise of God’s guidance, and he always keeps his promises. Seek him, wait on him. He will direct at the right moment. He will guide you, even to the end.

Do you lack wisdom today? What areas of your life are in need of guidance? Bow your will to God and ask Him to guide you. He will do it, for He has promised.


Prayer starter: Thank you for your guidance. Please direct me today according to your wisdom.